#4 Thing that can kill you: Lack of vitamin D

Virtually everyone living in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. is chronically deficient in Vitamin D. Those living in Australia are usually better off, as there's more of a sunshine culture there, but even Aussies can find themselves vitamin D deficient if they live their lives indoors and don't venture into the real world to catch some healthy rays.
Vitamin D deficiency is, without question, one of the primary causes of influenza susceptibility. Having sufficient vitamin D circulating in your blood is one of the best defenses against infection.
Health authorities in the U.S. and other western nations are currently engaged in a campaign to keep the population vitamin D deficient. This is achieved by brainwashing people into thinking sunlight alone causes skin cancer. That's a big medical lie, of course. Even the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has published scientific research showing that sunlight exposure reduces the risk of skin cancer.
The American Cancer Society, of course, spreads extremely dangerous disinformation about sunlight exposure, seeking to make sure that no ray of sun ever touches the skin of any person. This "darkness" campaign will soon be exposed as a death sentence for the People as the next pandemic takes the lives of those stupid enough to believe that moderate sunlight exposure is bad for their health.
In the next great pandemic, when the hospital beds are overflowing with the dead, and school gymnasiums are taken over as holding cells for the constant stream of incoming body bags, the dead will consist almost entirely of those who believed the lies of the American Cancer Society and the disinformation of the FDA and Big Pharma. This is one case in which misplaced faith in a corporate-controlled medical monstrosity can literally cost you your life.
Click here for a picture from the 1918 Spanish Flu that may give you some idea of what to expect during the next great pandemic.
(What's missing from this photo, of course, are the armed military personnel, toting automatic rifles, who will shoot any infected person who attempts to escape the facility.)
#5: Thing that can kill you: Antacid drugs like Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid

In a pandemic, use of these popular antacid drugs can actually lead to your death. How? A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes that these PPI drugs significantly increase the risk of deadly pneumonia.
Read the full story here.
These acid-suppressing medications, it turns out, are linked to a 30 percent increase in the risk of acquired pneumonia. And if you're suffering from something like the swine flu, pneumonia is the most common cause of death. It's the secondary bacterial infections, after all, that killed most people in 1918, and that's what's likely to cause the greatest number of fatalities in the next great pandemic as well.
If you want to protect yourself from influenza, avoid taking antacid drugs (including over-the-counter antacids).
1. Natural Remedy That FDA Don't Want You To Know
2. Why modern medicine will fail us in the next great pandemic
3. Why health authorities want to dumb you down and keep you uninformed...
4. The five things that may kill you in an influenza outbreak
5. Five anti-viral products that can save your life
6. The top five natural anti-viral medicines
7. Yet more anti-viral medicines for protection during a pandemic
8.The No.1 Killer In A Pandemic: Ignorance of Natural Cure
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